Monica Thors Photography
is proud to offer a line of products for horse lovers!
Horses are Heaven on
Earth CD-ROM of printable horse images. These are
some of the best images from Monicas photo library.
Also available is Famous Trotters CD-ROM of images
for personal use.
Harness racing stickers.
Labels to put on all your mail. Give Harness Racing
publicity through your own snail mail.
The DVD Real
Desire For A Dream which was shown on RFD-TV
in March and April 2005, and also "Inside
the Heart Of Harness Racing" are available
for purchase.
Monica Thors also offers
her photography services and can be contacted by one
of the methods below
For more information - about my work, prices, services
or anything else, please contact me by one of the
methods below.

Cell: 856-214-9414
E-mail: monicathors@comcast.net